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Online EmpowHER Conference!

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

The 8th Annual Women Lead HERe Conference focused on EmpowHER! It is a can't miss, digitally delivered event on Friday, November 13th, from 9am- 5pm MST (Arizona Time Zone)!

This year has been like none before, and so, this conference will follow suit. It is bringing together the best and brightest speakers and presenters for a day of empowHERment, inspiration, and connection. This event is designed for women in all industries and stages of their careers and offers an array of personal and professional development opportunities. We invite you to join us in examining topics that are uniquely relevant to the challenges we face both today and moving forward.

Evolve & Empower's expert, Kate Dreyfus, a Holistic Empowerment Coach & Healer, is grateful to be able to contribute to this inspiring HERe Conference and to team up with incredible women experts as we focus on empowering women with their personal development, professional success, and creating a supportive community!

This conference is honored to have Valleywise Health Foundation as a our philanthropic partner for our 8th Annual Women Lead HERe Conference. Since its inception in 2008, the Refugee Women's Health Clinic at Valleywise Health has helped improve the lives of thousands of refugee women with a holistic and culturally sensitive approach to comprehensive care. Today, with expanded services to also support the children and families of refugee women seeking care, we are especially excited to announce our 2020 donation efforts. Here is our raffle page to support this cause!


HERe Conference- What You Can Expect:

This conference is providing expert advice, inspiring stories, breakout sessions, effective tools, and virtual networking to support your own journey as we both personally and professionally, individually and collectively, discover the best way forward.

Below you can learn more about this Conference Agenda, Expert Speakers, Breakout Sessions, and How to Register & Sign Up for a Swag Box!

Conference Agenda & Expert Speakers:

  • Lead from the Inside Out~ Carla Reeves a Mindset Coach & Business Owner

  • Empowering Refugee Women through Culturally-Informed Care~ Dr. Crista Johnson-Agbakwu- Founding Director, Refugee Women's Health Clinic

  • Breakout Session- Fearless Leadership in Challenging Times~ Charlene Grabowski- Partner at Pathfinder Strategies

  • Breakout Session- What Stands Between You and Living an Empowered Life?~ Kate Dreyfus as a Holistic Empowerment Coach & Business Owner

  • Leadership Panel: The Power of Owning Your Own Voice!

  • Breakout Session~ Emotional Intelligence and Leadership~ Regina Dunning- Director of Client Experience at Medix

  • Breakout Session~ How to Navigate the Road of Trails to Transformation~ Alison Vorsatz- Senior Enterprise Director with Fairygodboss

  • Closing Keynote~ If Not Now, Then When?~ Stephanie Hendrick Owner of Meant for More LLC

  • EmpowHER Hour: Craft Cocktail Lessons & Networking Happy Hour~ Featuring All-Star Amateur Mixologist Jon Brown

Kate Dreyfus- Holistic Empowerment Coach & Healer- "I am excited to share with you, more in-depth, what I will be discussing in my Breakout Session (for the personal track) to support you staying empowered and creating success in your journey!"

Kate Dreyfus's Breakout Session Title:

What Stands Between You and Living an Empowered Life?

Kate Dreyfus's Breakout Session Description:

What does it mean to live an empowered life? What does it take to thrive in your life? Is it time to dream a new dream for yourself? Or is it time to reclaim your original dream with new inspiration?

This breakout session will dive into how to create an empowered life that supports your aspiration and dreams. Whether you are deciding what is the next chapter in your life, what will be the first step in your journey, or needing a fresh start by reevaluating your master plan, then this breakout session is for you. This breakout session is intended to create higher levels of awareness to develop your inner foundation and sustainable motivation to fulfill your dreams. We are going to be touching on who you are now and who you are becoming to help shape your empowerment. We will also be discussing how your relationships and environments can make or break your success. Lastly, you can create your own blueprint that has an uplifting and effective approach to achieve the life you want most. With that in mind, I look forward to welcoming you to this breakout session full of self-discovery, inspiration, motivation, and your personalized roadmap to thriving in your life!

To Learn More & Reserve Your Spot for this Uplifting Women's Conference by Registering Below!


Next Online Event: 8th Annual Women Lead HERe Conference

Date: Friday, November 13th, 2020

Time: 9am- 5 pm MST (Arizona Time Zone)

Location: Online Women's Conference (Zoom)

Ticket Price: $39 (no refund)

Register: EmpowHER Conference (link below)

Last Day to Register: Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 (by midnight)

Note: All attendees who register before Oct 31st, 2020, will receive a Swag Box!

Registration: Last Day to register is Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 (by midnight). After you register you will receive two emails, one confirming your purchased ticket to this amazing conference. The second email will come on Thursday November 12th with your Zoom information to be able to virtually join this event.

Swag Box: Register before October 31st, 2020 to receive a Swag Box. This box includes a few promotional items from our top 3 sponsors, a journal to annotate your experience, an ingredient for our EmpowHER Sour cocktail drink, and a few marketing materials.

Note- Registration will remain open until midnight on November 11th, 2020, but anyone who registers in November will not receive a swag box.

REGISTER here at EmpowHER Conference!

We look forward to virtually welcoming you!

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