Holistic Women's Workshops & Events:
For Healing, Renewing, & Creating Success with Your Relationship to Love!
Workshops to Create Success with Our Relationship to Love!
"The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives." Esther Perel
Welcome to Evolve & Empower's Workshop for Women, which is focusing on Healing, Renewing, & Creating Success with Your Relationship to Love! These workshops are designed for Cultivating Self-Love & Self-Acceptance, Success with Dating & Romance, Creating Healthy & Fulfilling Relationships, and Deepening Your Capacity to Receive More Love, Abundance, & Success in Your Life. These inspiring workshops are done in-person and virtually using GoToMeeting.
All workshops are intended for powerful healing, liberation, and building success that can be created in group work! When we come together as a group with a clear intention, a willingness to embrace change, and open up to the possibilities of having success in our relationship to love is where we can create positive growth.
Uplifting Environment~ These workshops are taking place in an uplifting, safe environment, surrounded by women, which creates an opportunity to be seen, heard, and receive compassion, empathy, and the support you may need in your own progress.
Explore & Insight~ It is also an opportunity to create awareness, insight, and a willingness to be open to exploring new ways of thinking, feeling, and being, if need be, to support your success in love.
Topics & Tools~ Each workshop topic will provide tools & solutions that you can apply in your daily life to support powerful shifts and transformations. Below you can find a list of all the different topics that will be explored.
Dating & Relationship Coach and International Matchmaker~ Within each workshop, Kate, the facilitator, will be providing proven, researched-based Dating & Relationship Coaching techniques and strategies. This is also incorporating my knowledge and expertise from my past experiences as an International Matchmaker, where I successfully assisted my clients in entering an exclusive, romantic relationship throughout the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, & Hong Kong.
Holistic Love Coach & Intuitive Healer~ The workshops will be taking into consideration the whole person and making sure you are in alignment on all 5 levels to support accomplishing your goal(s):
the Mental- Your beliefs, thought process & patterns, narratives, and perception (in the conscious and subconscious mind)
the Emotional- Your emotional wellbeing, any emotional wounds, emotional resilience, and learning how to stay connected to how you feel
The Physical- Your health & wellbeing, your environment, and the relationships you have in your life
The Energetic- Addressing any energetic blockages & your energy levels (regarding your motivation related to your goals)
The Spiritual- Creating awareness of the bigger picture; when it comes to learning from the life lessons that show up in your life patterns
Holistic Healing & Intuitive Insights~ The workshops can also include Holistic Healing & Intuitive Insight, for healing any pain, fear, or mistrust that you may have attached or associated with your experience of love.
Expert Speakers~ Some workshops will include more than one expert speaker, who will share their knowledge on the subject matter and provide tools to support your success.
Add-Ons~ All workshops will begin by using one or more holistic modalities to help release any stress from the day and assist in uplifting you: by using Breath Work & Body Scan, Heart-Center Healing Exercises, Guided Meditation & Visualization, Affirmations to help shift your mindset, Healing Touch & Reiki, Aromatherapy, Crystal Therapy, and Tibetan Bowls.
Prizes~ Additionally, all guests will be given an opportunity to win gift certificates for E&E's services and other prizes.
Together~ this is a co-creating workshop, where we ask for everyone to come with an open mind and heart, a willingness to be flexible & receptive to what is being shared, and openness to trusting the possibilities in your own process to achieving your goals related to love.
Preparation~ We ask that all workshop participants bring a notebook, pen, and an open mind. In our workshops, you will be playing an active role in participating in our different activities and receiving tools that you can apply in your day-to-day life. During our workshops, you will always have the option to share your story and insights with others, or you can choose to unravel your insights within your notebook. It is always your choice to decide what will best support you.
With all that in mind, we look forward to welcoming you at the next workshop!
Join Us in Our Upcoming Workshops & Events!
Online EmpowHER Conference!
This year has been like none before, and so, this conference will follow suit. It is bringing together the best and brightest speakers and presenters for a day of empowHERment, inspiration, and connection. This event is designed for women in all industries and stages of their careers and offers an array of personal and professional development opportunities. We invite you to join us in examining topics that are uniquely relevant to the challenges we face both professionally and personally, individually and collectively. Learn more, and join us!
Future Workshop Topics:
Your Longest Relationship is to Yourself- Healing, renewing, & developing a positive relationship with self (supporting your personal growth)
Cultivating Wholeness- Deepen your capacity for self-love, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-trust, and self-confidence
Body Acceptance
Vulnerability- being seen & heard as your authentic self
Boundaries- Defining what your boundaries are & honoring them to create healthy relationships
Trust- Building & Maintaining Trust; with ourselves, others, and life
Self-Expression, Communication, & Empathy- how to get your needs met, honor your boundaries & standards, and resolve conflict in a respectful & compassionate way
Quality of Our Relationships improves the quality of our lives
What is Your Love Language? Practicing & deepening our ability to receive Love
What is Your Narrative About Your Love Life? Breaking free from your old patterns in love
Dating- How to stay positive and be successful in your dating life
Dating- Where to go to meet quality dates & success with getting to the first date
Dating- The art of Courtship & Romance
Dating- Turning dating into an exclusive relationship
Compromise- where to be flexible & where to draw the line
Conflict Resolution- being able to be heard, releasing any need to be right, & focusing on a positive resolution that honors both parties
Healing & recovering from Toxic or Narcissistic Relationships
Attachments & Co-Dependency relationships
Sex, Sexuality, & Desire
The 12 Types of Intimacy
Successful Long-Term Relationship- how to create healthy habits & dynamics, generosity, desire, and fun
Marriage- What needs to be addressed before saying “I do” to support your long-term success
Topics related to Divorce, Separation, Breakups, and/or Loss
Expanding Your Capacity to receive more love & abundance in your life
Workshops that Support Your Success & Empowerment
Creating & Cultivating Abundance & Prosperity in your life
And Much More!
Creating a Safe & Successful Environment; Workshop Rules & Ask Policy:
Openness- I ask for everyone to come with an open mind and heart, a willingness to be flexible & receptive to what is being shared, and openness to trusting your process to achieve your goals related to love
Ego- I ask for everyone to be mindful of when they are coming from ego- referring to competitiveness, comparison, judgments, and who’s right or who’s wrong attitude
Sharing- I ask for everyone to be mindful of sharing this space, especially when it comes to sharing your life’s tale. We want everyone to have a chance to open up and share if the mood strikes
Ask Policy- Asking permission if someone wants advice (not everyone is in a space to receive advice/feedback) or asking if someone wants a hug (not everyone likes to be touched)
Confidential- I request that everyone does their best to lead from a place of integrity. I require everyone to uphold the honor system in and outside of our workshops by reframing from sharing what other members disclose in our workshops
No Soliciting- This is a work-free zone unless we are discussing healthy relationships at work, as a topic for the workshop, I kindly ask for everyone to reframe from promoting your job or business
Courtesy- I ask for everyone to put your phone on silent and to reframe from using it during our workshops. This way you can be fully present with yourself and others during the workshop ​
Online Workshop Preparation:
(For workshops done in-person please dismiss this information)
Your Preparation- Have Notebook, Pen, Open Mind, Workshop Exercises (printed or download on your computer to use in the online workshop), Pick a Space in Your Home Where You Won’t Be Interrupted, & Use Headphones if You Have Them.
Preparation Email- The day before our online event, you will receive an email from Kate, the host of the event, with your GoToMeeting invitation link and workshop exercises in a word document format needed for the online event.
Online Workshop Rules & Etiquette:
(In addition to the rules & ask policy for all E&E Workshops)
Muting Your Microphone- Make sure you mute your microphone during the online workshop when you are not speaking. This way any noise that may be taking place in your home won’t disrupt the online workshop
Sharing Your Name- Any time you choose to share or ask a question during our online workshop, please state your name first before diving into your story or questions
Participating- All attendees are encouraged to participate in our workshops to practice being seen, heard, or both, which helps us practicing connecting to others in our moments of vulnerability
Being Fully Present- We ask for all attendees to pick a place in your home where you won’t be interrupted or distracted. To fully gain all the benefits of the online workshop, be fully connected to yourself, and receptive to the other attendees, we ask for you to reframe from surfing the internet or your phone, texting or talking to people who are not in the workshop, and/or watching TV during the workshop
Join Us & Learn More~
Join us in a supporting, uplifting environment where you are surrounded by like-minded women, who are open to personal growth, boundless love, and re-writing their relationship to love. What we do today will build upon tomorrow, so let's get started! To learn more, contact Evolve & Empower Today!
Connect with Us On Our Meetup Group!
To stay up-to-date on our upcoming workshops & connect on our Meetgroup Group, called Holistic Women's Workshop for Love- Healing, Renewing, Success!
Below select the Meetup Group that is the closes to where you live:
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