Hi All,
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones doing well.
I wanted to touch base and connect with you to provide my Support, Love, and Light to help uplift you during these challenging times. Your Wellbeing and Success are very important to me, and due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, all sessions and holistic workshops are only being offered by Phone, Skype, or Zoom.
Starting in September 2021, I will be re-opening my office and conducting workshops in person again. To learn more about different Tools that you can use to support you staying empowered in your everyday life during these challenging times read below:
1. Evolve & Empower~ Currently is Only Offering Phone or Skype Sessions: I think it will be in our best interest, and with our health in mind, that Evolve & Empower is only offering Phone or Skype Sessions during this time. I'm mentioning this, not to feed any fear, but to support taking precautionary measures and cultivating peace of mind. Starting in September 2021, I will be re-opening my office and conducting workshops in person again.
What is available to support your Wellbeing and Success is my Phone or Skype Sessions for my 5 Holistic Love Coach Services and 3 Intuitive Holistic Healing Services. In my Phone or Skype Sessions, I provide Distance Energy Healing to support you with clearing, healing, adjusting, and creating balance with your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic wellbeing. Additionally, it includes clearing congestive or stagnant energy with your chakras. This can help you to feel grounded, centered, aligned, and at peace while feeling empowered with a clear focus moving forward. To learn more; Click on Evolve & Empower Services!
2. Evolve & Empower~ Online Holistic Women’s Workshops:
Starting in April 2020, Evolve & Empower will be offering Online Holistic Women’s Workshops to support you on an individual level and to help create community, connection, and an opportunity to learn & grow while supporting your success.
The Holistic Workshop for Women is focusing on Cultivating Self-Love & Self-Acceptance, Success with Dating & Romance, Creating Healthy & Fulfilling Relationships, and Deepening Your Capacity to Receive More Love, Abundance, & Success in Your Life.
To learn more; Click on Evolve & Empower Holistic Women’s Workshops!
3. Steps You Can Take to Support Your Wellbeing, Health, & Peace of Mind:
I know there is a lot of fear around us right now, but what I want to encourage everyone to do is to focus on reevaluating your priorities in life with what matters most in reflection to who you are now and the direction in life that will support you to flourish the most. It’s a great opportunity to revisit, review, restructure, and reinforce the root chakra; career, community, core beliefs, family, finances, home, how you participate in life, and the physical body.
To also use this time to deepen your connection to yourself and how you show up and take care of yourself.
Lastly, making time to let your loved ones know what they mean to you. To also focus on the helpers and how you can show up to support your community’s wellbeing and those that are more vulnerable. As we choose to come from love, trust, and peace, it will help us to stay elevated as we work together to find the best way forward.
4. Each Day You Can Focus on Using These Tools to Keep You Empowered:
Increase your vitamins, herbal teas, vitamin C & Zinc packets to boost your immune system
Eat protein, which helps you to stay grounded and anchored in your body to help you feel safe and secure
Remember, isolation and social distancing, means you can still be out and active in nature
Earthing~ taking off your shoes and connecting your feet to earth grounds you and can connect you to peace
FaceTime with friends and family vs. text and phone calls to help you feel connected to others
Limit yourself to how much news you are watching or reading
Use breathwork & body scanning techniques to help ground you, reduce stress & fear, and it changes your physiology for the better (can create a calming mental state)
Journal to help release racing thoughts and “what if” questions
Be mindful and limit the amount of conversations you may be having regarding Coronavirus
Watch YouTube videos for guided meditation, stretching & yoga, and creating movement in your body to help release built up fear, stress, any anxiousness, and excess energy
Focus on feeding your gratitude with what is going well and what you do have
Increase your positive self-talk and reminding yourself to focus on one week at a time; what you can do today to empower yourself and bring yourself comfort
To support your emotional wellbeing by increasing your acts of emotionally comforting yourself
Trust that all of your informed preparation and precautions to support your immune system and health are enough.
5. Louise Hays Affirmation with My Additions to Support Your Mental, Emotional, & Physical Wellbeing:
“All is well.
Everything is working out for my highest good.
Out of this situation only good will come.
I am safe.
I am secure.
I am peace.
I am open to high frequency helpers, blessings, and miracles showing up in my life to support me right now.
I release, I relax, and I let it go & let it flow.”
(repeat as much as needed)
Let me know if you have any questions and if there is anything I can do to support you, your wellbeing, and success.
I am sending you uplifting Love, Light, Health, & Peace!
Holistic Love Coach & Intuitive Healer